How to Create a Catchy and Viral Tagline

A great slogan is really beneficial to one’s business. If you do not know what the slogan is, let me explain it to you. Slogan or in other words tagline is a memorable phrase which should typically describe what the company does and what they represent. It is some type of catchphrase which is mostly used in marketing and is one of the elements of a company’s brand.

You should put a lot of consideration into creating a good catchy slogan, it is almost as important as naming your business. Imagine if one way or another your slogan accidentally becomes viral and your brand awareness increases in hundredths of percentages. The best taglines become a synonym to the company’s name.

In this article, I will share with you some guidelines which can help you to create a memorable slogan.

Photo by Gwen Weustink on Unsplash

  1. Understand Your Company’s Goal

Before you begin brainstorming and thinking about the slogan, have a good look at the inside of your company. Think of the goal you want to accomplish, take a look at your marketing strategy if you have one. Also, find the things with which people associate your company. Do not forget to check for your competitors’ slogans and their weaknesses. Maybe you can use it to your advantage?

  1. Brainstorm Freely without any Restrictions

First, relax and let your mind do the job. Ask your employees, friends to come and brainstorm as many slogans as you possibly can. After that check the list and identify common themes, words, and style.

This can be as your starting point and can provide you with a general idea of what your business is about. Also, for brainstorming, you can use online tools like tagline generator.

  1. Make It Short and Simple

You probably might already understand that short and simple slogans are the best. You can check the top ten taglines of all times to get some idea how many words should it have. Basically, the slogan should not contain more than 10 words. However, the less word count, the better because it becomes easier to remember.

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

We all probably know the famous Nike slogan “Just Do It”, and it only contains 3 words. Also, do not forget that it went viral after Shia LaBeouf video. Maybe your slogan will become viral too?

  1. Try to Say It Out Loud

When you already come up with a list of possible slogans try to say it out loud. Try to listen to how it sounds, try to put emphasis on every different word to hear what sounds the best. Also, do not forget to use punctuation and see how it sound with commas and periods. Ask for other people opinions as well as ask them to say it loudly. Try to find the most appealing to people and stick to them.

  1. Check if It is Occupied

Never make a mistake of using a slogan which is already used by other business. You can check it by writing in in Google search and if nobody is using it. Also, always check if it is not trademarked because you can get in legal troubles using the copyrighted slogan. If you are in the USA, you can check it here.

  1. Make It Timeless

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

A slogan must serve a function of always being relevant and to the topic. Try thinking of a slogan which would not be irrelevant when the political climate changes or new technologies are introduced. You want to keep your slogan live as long as possible

  1. Ask for Others’ Opinion

If you made a list of taglines, then give that list for your employees or friends that know what kind of business you are creating. Ask them to rate that slogan from 1 to 5, and only keep in the list those slogans which got the maximum score. If there is a one person that likes that tagline, it is a high chance that there will be thousands more. This will help you to reduce the number of possible slogans and have only the best ones on your list.

  1. Do not Rush

There is a great saying “sleep on it”, it means that if you face problems delay the final decision until the following day. You can apply this in choosing your slogan. When you have a final list of possible slogans just put it for another day and wait. Try to have a good night sleep that your mind would be clear the next day, and choose your favorite slogan then.


Creating a good slogan is crucial for business. It sometimes can raise your brand awareness more than anything else. Also, a good slogan can sometimes mean leave or stay for the first time visitors to your company website because the first impression is really important. So, a tagline can help to keep your first-time visitors engaged. So, what are you waiting for? Go and create an amazing tagline for your business.