6 Cybersecurity Tips for Your Growing Business
As your business grows, so does your responsibility for the safety of lots of peoples’ sensitive information.
It can be far too easy to ignore the fact that cyber threats are at an all-time high and rising, especially when your primary focus is perfecting your craft. Nevertheless, cybersecurity is a necessity for any business.
If your business is fortunate enough to be blossoming into something truly special, it might be time to take a step back and ask if your network and data is properly protected.
Below are 6 cybersecurity tips for growing businesses that may help answer that question.
- Safeguard Your Networks
Network security is probably the first thing you want to address if you haven’t already done so. Use a firewall and encrypt information to make certain your internet connection is secure. Find yourself a good software that proactively patches vulnerabilities and automatically checks for system updates. For those of you with Wi-Fi networks, you should take the necessary precautions for making sure it’s private and password protected.
- Protect Your System from Viruses and Other Malware
Every single one of your business’ computers should have some sort of antivirus software that routinely checks for “infections”. It should also be able to actively scan for threats and alert the user if a website or file contains anything suspicious. It’s important to ensure this software is always kept up-to-date, which can easily be done through automatic updates.
- Backup Everything
There will almost never be a time where you will be upset that you have a backup of your data. What’s better than one backup of your systems? Two backups. In the event of a breach, you’ll be more than glad that you can wipe and recover all of your data without blinking an eye. If at all possible, automate the backup process so that you’re always protected just in case the unthinkable happens.
- Establish a Cybersecurity Program and Policies
A business’ cybersecurity program is only as good as its employees. By establishing an official program and creating policies to govern it, you help educate your team on best practices to staying safe from cyber threats. Internal cybersecurity threats are on the rise, and it’s become paramount to ensure your staff is trained properly and aware of the problems a technology-driven company faces every day.
- Always Use Strong Passwords and Properly Manage Them
One of the key topics in your cybersecurity program should be proper password use and management. Requiring all your employees to use complex passwords with lower and uppercase letters, symbols, and numbers might not make them happy, but it will keep them safe. Be sure to enforce the changing of passwords at least every 30 to 60 days. If your company has particularly sensitive data, then you may also want to consider two-factor authentication for your network and accounts.
- Have a Way to Handle Lost or Stolen Devices
Lots of people think of cybersecurity as defending against a bunch of nerds sitting at their laptops blasting through code. While many times this is true, other times a security breach happens by gaining physical access to an internal device. With cellphones being in everybody’s pocket nowadays, it’s critical to have a plan for how to properly handle your devices and what to do in the event one goes missing.
Cybersecurity can be a scary thing for people just starting to realize the impacts a breach can have on a business. Take the time to learn what an effective program looks like, use the tips above, and most importantly, take action today to ensure your company’s safety.