4 Ways to Establish Trust Via Your Web Design and Content
In the business world, trust is everything. This is especially true when you consider service businesses. Whether it’s a law office, professional cleaning company, accountant, or HVAC contractor, trust is what generates new business and retains existing clients.
There are a multitude of ways to establish trust, but your website is a critically important part of the equation in today’s digitized ecosystem. If you can find a way to establish trust via web design and content, you’ll have a leg up on the competition.
4 Specific Ways You Can Establish Trust
According to entrepreneur Arthur Gensler, trust is the most powerful currency in business. While it also has a significant impact on the internal workings of a company, the biggest advantages are seen in how businesses externally engage clients.
“If they know you are honest and direct with them, they usually are willing to work through challenges with you, and they won’t hesitate to be a referral source when things go well,” Gensler explains.
When it comes to your website, and web design in particular, her are some specific ways you can foster feelings of trust.
- Use Actual Pictures of Your Team
Spend enough time studying other websites and you’ll notice that most businesses either: avoid using pictures of people or stick with impersonal stock photos that are clearly fake. If you want to build trust, you need to do the exact opposite.
One of the best things you can do is use actual pictures of your team. This page from Herrman & Herrman is the perfect example. Notice how they use real pictures of their partners, office location, and community events. This makes visitors feel like they’re interacting with an actual business that has living, breathing people behind it.
- Provide Facts and Data Points
Any business can make claims about something. But in today’s world of fake news, poorly sourced articles, and sensational headlines, internet users often want to see more from the businesses they interact with. By providing facts and data points, you can score some “trust points” with your audience.
- Use the Right Color Scheme
If you’ve spent much time studying the field of color theory, then you probably know that different colors promote unique feelings and emotions in people.
If you’re looking to establish trust, blue is the go-to color. It recalls feelings of calmness and serenity and is often associated with tranquility, security, and order. While a visitor might not be acutely aware of this, a blue-themed page has a subconscious impact on the way they view your brand.
- Use Video Testimonials
Testimonials from customers are one of the more powerful methods of establishing social proof and creating trust with prospects. There are plenty of ways you can integrate testimonials into your web design, but video testimonials seem to be the most effective in today’s landscape.
The Steve & Kate’s Camp website is one of the better examples on the internet. It features a professionally developed video testimonial from kids who have attended the camp in the past. After watching the video, parents and kids both feel a greater sense of trust in the camp. Considering that trust is the biggest hurdle for the camp, this video plays a significant role in driving revenue.
Don’t Underestimate Your Website’s Influence
It’s easy to look at your website as an afterthought, especially if you review your website analytics and don’t see the sort of lift you think you should be experiencing. However, never underestimate the influence your website has over your target market. The more you focus on establishing trust, the stronger that connection will become. Don’t fall behind!