Do’s and Don’ts of Making a Google Doc Invoice Template for Web Designers
The invoice should be catchy, organised, and free of errors so that clients understand it quickly and pay you on time. Although making invoices is not really an enjoyable process, it is necessary. With the help of accurate invoices, you can keep your clients updated about your expectations. Also, invoices will assist you in getting paid on time and reinforcing your professionalism.
Here are a few things that you should keep in mind while designing your invoice:
· Contact Details of Both Parties
As a web designer, you should keep in mind that your clients may have any queries concerning the charges; they should be able to contact you as quickly as possible. So, while using simple invoice templates, write the contact details carefully.
If you are running a web designing company then add the name of the company on the invoice. If not, then add your name only. Mention your address or company’s address. Write phone numbers and email addresses.
· Detail Description of Products and Services
People always want to keep a record of what they have paid for. Your clients will not pay you for something that is just stated as “Illustration” or “Design”. Explain to customers exactly what they got: “Design of a website for Skincare Brand,” for example. Make your statement as specific as possible.
· Payment Details
First of all, mention clearly the due amount and the pay rate. Both parties must have decided before the project that the fee is based on a project or by the hour. But be sure to state it in your invoice too. The deadline for payment should also be included in the invoice. Right after the deadline, mention details of your late charge policy. Lastly, state your preferred payment methods.
· Thank You Note
Money can be a tricky subject, so being courteous when discussing it is a smart idea. Let your customers know that they are paying you money that they have earned through struggle and effort and that you respect it. As a web designer, you can emphasise how much you value their current and upcoming projects. You can also encourage clients to contact you when they have any queries.
· Avoid using a low-Quality Paper and Design
Your clients can demonstrate your attention to detail if they get a nice, clear invoice.
The majority of people spend hours designing their website, brochures, and portfolios, but then pick a low-quality paper for their invoice. Always remember that the invoice is your final point of contact with your customer, and it should reflect the same amount of skill, design, and style as the rest of your materials.
· No Spelling or Grammar Mistakes
People don’t like to spend hours proofreading and editing invoices as they find it a boring document. But spelling and grammar mistakes can’t be concealed. They can be detected easily. So, while creating invoices make sure your spelling is correct and your spacing is consistent.