A List of Great Free Facebook Event Widgets for WordPress
WordPress is an amazing CMS and we can accomplish almost anything with great WordPress plugins and widgets. Social Media and online social sharing is the lifeblood for many businesses and marketers. I turned to WordPress and try some event management widgets for the project. Here, in this article, I would like to show you a gallery of useful free WordPress Facebook event widget plugins that you can use on your website.
Though there are number of options, we have tried our best to compile only the top quality options for you. If you like this post, share it with your friends through email and social networks. If you like this effort then don’t forget to take a look on other articles: Free Knowledge Base Plugins for WordPress, Free Recent Comments Widgets for WordPress, Premium Lifestyle WordPress Themes and Best Free Blackletter Fonts.
Contests by Rewards Fuel
Contests by Rewards Fuel lets you run contests that will help you earn newsletter subscribers, Instagram & Twitter Followers, blog comments, Retweets, Facebook Likes, and more. Use this plugin to create and display contests right from your WordPress website.
Feed Them Social
Create Social Feeds of any or all your celebrities, family, friends, yourself, or businesses. Looks great on Desktops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices. If you’re looking for more than just a custom facebook feed our plugin includes most of your favorite social networks. View photos and videos from your Facebook Page, Group, Album Photos, Album Covers or Event in our FREE version.
Facebook like box plugin to display Facebook page live stream & friends on WordPress blog. Using Facebook Like Box Plugin Facebook widget publish your Facebook page post & show your Facebook page fans. Using [FBW] shortcode you can publish your facbook like page on any Page or Post.
FaceBook Feed
The Facebook Feed Plugin allows you to easily display a Customization and Responsive feed of your Facebook Page on wordpress website. Easily add Facebook Feed using the shortcode [facebook-feed], Display all Post Types, Display Events from Facebook Feed.
Custom Facebook Feed
Display a completely customizable, responsive and search engine crawlable version of your Facebook feed on your website. Completely match the look and feel of the site with tons of customization options! By default the Facebook feed will adopt the style of your website, but can be completely customized to look however you like – with tons of styling and customization options!
WP Embed Facebook
Embed any public facebook video, page, post, profile, photo or event directly into a WordPress post, without having to write a single line of code. Simply put the facebook url on a separate line on the content of any post, and this plugin will fetch data associated with that url and display it.
Facebook Stream
Facebook stream is the plugin that will show your facebook page or group wall in fully responsive format on your website. Plugin is created to show facebook feed in pinterest style (responsive boxes). Your facebook posts will be shown on completely new way. There is no more necessary for ugly iframes and similar alternatives, in just only few clicks you will configure plugin and generate shortcode that you can use on any page or post you want.
Easy Facebook Post Feed
Easy Facebook Post Feed, allow users to display a customization and responsive Facebook feed. It’s quickly to use by widget or shortcode anyway. Customize layout option like: color, border, number of post to display, choose to display image, width and height. Work with Facebook API it’s simple to set up: just enter your page id and Facebook API.